Japanese art
For our topic ‘Around the World in 80 days’, the children have been looking at art from different countries. We have particularly looked at a Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai, who painted “The Great Wave Off Kanagawa”. It has become a modern-day icon and Hokusai’s seemingly timeless images are…
Working collaboratively
In maths, the children have been working collaboratively together to find the perimeter of different shapes – it was lovely to hear the children explaining to each their reasoning and helping one another with their calculations.
Shackleton’s Journey
Today, the children have been predicting what they think our next book may be about. There was a whole array of different thoughts even though the front cover is fairly simple compared to ones we have looked at previously.
I have been very impressed by the children’s effort today and it has…
SAW ‘lunchbox science’ week: Day 5
Today was the final day of our SAW week. We started off with a superb harvest assembly, where flowers and food were brought in to be delivered to members of our community – huge thank you to all those that contributed! Our children performed a rap poem for the audience and it sounded fab.
SAW ‘lunchbox science’ week: Day 3
We have had a very busy day today as part of our SAW week. Firstly, the children have taken inspiration from the book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and created their own sweet along with an advertisement poster to encourage people to try their new invention.
After playtime, the children…
SAW ‘lunchbox science’ week: Day 2
Today, the children have worked really hard on creating their own propaganda posters from World War Two. They had to sketch out the faint outline first, use oil pastels for the main parts and watercolour the backgrounds.
SAW ‘lunchbox science’ week: Day 1
Today, we started our SAW (science, art and writing) week and the theme this time is ‘lunchbox science’. The children have been rehearsing their poem for the harvest festival, which is called ‘A little bit of food’. Based on this poem, the children have worked in groups to create their own…
Dance workshop
Today, the children thoroughly enjoyed experiencing a Punjabi dance workshop – they learnt different dance moves and put them together to a piece of music. Afterwards, they had a talk about how Indian soldiers were involved in World War One as it is coming up to 100 years since the…
Beautiful work
The children have been working incredibly hard this work in producing beautiful work.
They have been focusing on their steps to success and the quality of their handwriting – I have been very impressed!
Science Experiment
The children have been working collaboratively to plan and carry out a fair test.
Their investigation question was: Does the size of a person’s hand change the amount of sweets they can successfully pick up?
The children designed different ways of conducting the experiment ensuring that it…
East Barnby Day 4
The children have enjoyed their final full day at East Barnby. They have experienced climbing, kayaking and bushcraft. Tonight, they have completed an alien orienteering course and we have had a bonfire with toasted marshmallows and lots of singing.
Roman Numerals
This morning, the children have been working collaboratively to create different Roman numerals using matchsticks. As the questions became increasingly harder, the children showed great problem solving skills to use their knowledge to solve them.