Minibeasts in Modroc!
As our 'Beast Creator' topic comes to an end, the children have been given the challenge to design a creature, that will kill aphids. Once they worked out what their created beasts would look like, they modelled them out of Modroc. I can't wait to see what they will look like when they have been…
Topic homework so far...
The children have been bringing in their very inventive and impressive homework!
Creative life cycles
It is lovely to see the children getting creative when showing their learning. Beautiful butterfly life cycles!
Computer Bugs?
The children had a go at using 'Paint' this week, to create their own deadly minibeasts. I definitely would not want to find any of these in my house!
Marvellous mobiles
Today, in the wildlife area, we created our own natural mobiles. Beautiful!
Producer, Consumer, Predator or Prey?
Today, we have been looking at food chains. The children were given labels and they had to say whether they were consumers or producers. They then had to find someone else who they would eat, or who would eat them! Finally we formed ourselves into 'human' food chains.
Creating our own Hakka
In PE, the children have been learning the Hakka. They then had a go at creating their own...scary!
Hands on learning!
We had a few creepy visitors to class today. The children loved it and learned lots of new facts. Thank you Zoolab!
Trees, Tarps and Teamwork!
We had fun this week in our other wildlife area! How lucky are we?
5 star hotels!
The children designed and made bug hotels this week - 5 star accommodation for any insect!
Wet but wonderful!
We had a fantastic time in the wildlife area this week. We were making a village for 'tiny people'!
Bug hunters!
Today, we introduced our new topic - 'Beast Creator' - by going on a bug hunt in our wildlife areas. We had a great time, found lots of minibeasts and we didn't mind getting our hands dirty!