Wonderful Wildlife Area
We had a wonderful time in our Wildlife Area last Friday for our Golden Time activity.
The children enjoyed making dens, building fires and finding different bugs.
Sports Day 2022
Wow what an amazing Sports Day!
The children took part in a range of team races, where they showed excellent sportsmanship, encouragement and determination. You should all be very proud of yourselves!
Another week of fabulous work!
The children have produced some amazing pieces of topic homework to conclude our topic of 'Playlist'.
In science, the children made a simple circuit to test whether different materials are conductors or insulators of electricity and we have started talking about the Queen's Jubille by…
Marvellous Musical Instruments
The children have enjoyed designing and making their own musical instruments. They used their measuring skills to accurately make their designs and thought about the overall finished product. Most of the children were able to play their musical instruments and produce sound.
The children have…
Experimenting with circuits
The children have enjoyed experimenting and building electrical circuits. Firstly, they learnt the different symbols within a circuit and then they successfully built circuits from diagrams. Lastly, they had to predict whether a circuit would work by looking at the different components and how…
African Music and Dance Workshop
Wow what an end to the week!
The children have enjoyed an afternoon of African drumming, dance and music. They learnt how to play a range of instruments, sing African songs and choreograph a dance. It was all then put together to tell an African story. Their enthusiasm and participation in the…
Terrific Topic Homework
The children have produced some amazing pieces of homework to complete our current topic 'Sow, Grow and Farm' - well done everyone!
Amazing Dress Rehearsal
Today, the children did their dress rehearsal for our production of the 'Pied Piper'. It was fantastic and we can't wait to share it with you next week!
Citrus and Coffee farming
As part of our topic, the children have been researching coffee farming in Peru and Citrus farming in California. After reading the information, they created a colourful and engaging information sheet on them both. They used both text and images to explain each of them - the results were…
Environment Day
Last Friday, the children enjoyed Environment Day. This day helps us is to raise awareness of the environment and how we can help to look after it by being more environmentally friendly in our everyday lives.
We discussed as a class, how we could incorporate the three 'R's' in to our lives. …
Wonderful Writing!
As well as practising our production of the 'Pied Piper', the children have produced some fantastic pieces of writing. Firstly, they completed their non-chronological reports on red foxes as this was linked to our book that we are reading in English. They focused on organisational features…
Lights, camera, action!
Rehearsals have started for our production of the 'Pied Piper'. The children have been busy learning their lines and practising their singing and acting skills on stage. We can't wait to add props and show the final show.
As part of Red Nose Day and Sport Relief, the children took part in a…