Image of TTRS - The New Tournament!
24 September 2020

TTRS - The New Tournament!

Hello everyone!

Well, it's that time of year! We've all had a few weeks to settle into our new classes and routines, but now it's time to forget old allies - now it's time to put your new class first to become the TTRS reigning champions for 2021!

As I am sure you all remember, Mrs Murton's…

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Image of What a welcome!
18 September 2020

What a welcome!

Well, what a welcome I have had from not only the lovely Y5/6 class but also the whole Roseberry Family! We have had a great first couple of weeks in Y5/6 and I am so impressed by the hard work, smiley faces and kindness from so many children!

Last week the children brought in shoe boxes…

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Image of Powerful Propaganda Posters!
18 September 2020

Powerful Propaganda Posters!

What another amazing week we have had!

The quality of work has been amazing and behaviour has been outstanding - scores on the doors 10/10!

We have started reading Michael Morpurgo's book, An Elephant in the Garden. The children have been writing persuasive letters to the director of the…

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Image of Woodland habitats
18 September 2020

Woodland habitats

We have had another busy week of learning in year 1 this week! Today we went into our woodland area and made habitats for some woodland creatures! The children are already excited for their session next week. Watch this space ...


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Image of Mini-beast Hunt
18 September 2020

Mini-beast Hunt

We had a wonderful time in our wildlife area whilst we were searching for mini-beasts! We used the magnifying pots to take a closer look at the creatures, and created a tally of what we had found.  Then, back in the classroom, we used the data in our tally to create a block graph, and answer some…

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Image of Our First Full Week In Reception
18 September 2020

Our First Full Week In Reception

We have had such a busy first full week of school.  I am so proud of how happy and smiley all of the children are coming into school.  Here are just a few of the activities we have been busy with so far.

We have really enjoyed looking at and talking about the changes that have been…

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Image of An Engaging Week!
18 September 2020

An Engaging Week!

What a week we've had! This week, we've made outdoor, Andy Goldsworthy style art and started our new Topic: Tremors. We've looked at natural disasters, how different types of rocks have formed and the children have produced some superb writing based on our English book: The Pebble in My…

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Image of Another brilliant week!
18 September 2020

Another brilliant week!

We've had another brilliant week of learning...


In maths, we've been recognising the place value of digits up to a million, and learning how to partition numbers in different ways. 

In English, we've started reading our new class text, ’Sky Hawk’ - we’ve used evidence from the text to…

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Image of We've had another great week!
17 September 2020

We've had another great week!

Stan and I are delighted that we have had another great week of learning at Roseberry! Children have been working their socks off and have produced some brilliant work. I was extremely impressed to hear some of our Year Six boys talking about maths whilst in the lunch hall on Wednesday - they were…

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Image of Tremors
17 September 2020


We’ve had a great second week as we have begun our topic Tremors. We explored artwork by Andy Goldsworthy trying out some rock balancing and creating our own sculptures in the wildlife area. The children also learned about the layers of the Earth and investigated different types of rock. We have…

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Image of Beautiful work in our cloakroom!
14 September 2020

Beautiful work in our cloakroom!

We used a pop of colour to create these Pop Art inspired portraits. Don't they look beautiful in our cloakroom? 

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Image of Fantastic first week!
12 September 2020

Fantastic first week!

What a fantastic first week!

The children came in with great attitudes and worked their socks off!

To introduce our new topic: ‘A Child’s War’, they brought in shoe boxes filled with items which are important to them. We talked about evacuees and the children explained what they had chosen…

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