Meet the Greeks!
Today, we have been honorary students of Durham University via a virtual workshop, “Meet the Greeks”. Michael led the workshop, first of all showing us the symbols of some of the Greek Polis (cities), including the Athenian owl, the lotus flower of Rhodes and Pegasus (winged horse) of…
WBD Fun!
We've enjoyed looking at everyone's costumes, sharing our favourite books and creating poetry about books! Through the day we are dropping everything to have a quick read.
Sikh Festivals
A brilliant start to our culture week. The children were introduced to the Sikh religion when we found out about Guru Nanak. We also wrote about how the Khalsa originated (the Sikh community) and how this is celebrated during their harvest festival of Vaisakhi. We have begun to make tie dye kites…
Mountaineering with Mr Moore
We were delighted to find out that Mr Moore is a mountaineer. He kindly shared his experiences of mountaineering in the Pyrenees. The photos were spectacular! He told us about the preparations he'd made and the equipment he took. He explained some of the dangers he'd faced. We were surprised…
What can survive on a mountain?
This week we have been learning about the features of mountains. We have looked at how the landscape changes and how this is divided into zones - from the glacier down to the treeline and meadow. We looked at the animals and plants that are able to live at high altitudes and then with the…
Making Music
The children are continuing to enjoy their weekly music lessons. This half term we have been learning about Reggae music, listening to and appreciating a variety of songs and comparing them with our favourite, "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley. We are learning two parts to play along with song…
Golden Time Giggles
In Golden Time, we vote for an activity to do as a class. This week, the children chose a fashion activity. Their challenge was to use a bin bag as a base and then decorate it with materials in the scrap box. Each team was awarded prizes for use of the bin bag, innovative decorations and…
Amazing Writing
This week the children have planned their own adventure stories. I have been blown away at hard the children have worked at including adverbs and description. Here are a few examples:
Ella the Sleepy Sloth by Isabelle
Ella woke up on a sunny…
Magnificent Mountains
I have been impressed with the teamwork shown in our class this week! Earlier in the week, the children learned how different mountains were formed. They have then worked in small groups to make models of different types of mountains, using cardboard, newspaper and modroc. Today, they painted…
Misty Mountain Sierra
We have had a brilliant start to our new topic ‘Misty Mountain Sierra’. The children have learned how to find different mountain ranges on a world map and used 4-figure grid references. We have researched the heights of various mountains and compared these to some of the tallest buildings around…
Terrific Tribal Team
We are so impressed with your efforts in putting together an amazing array of topic homework. This afternoon we had the opportunity to look at everyone's work and also visited Miss Burley's class to see theirs, while they came to see ours. The children voted on their top 3 pieces - well done to…
Marvellous Musicians
This half-term's focus in music has been learning to play the glockenspiel. We have learned the terms crotchet, minim and semi-breve - the number of beats per note or rest, recognising the symbols of these on the stave. We have played together with a variety of music from traditional, blues and…