Image of Week 8 Project - Thrilling Theme Park - Part 2
11 June 2020

Week 8 Project - Thrilling Theme Park - Part 2

Week beginning 15th June 


Happy Monday everyone!


There were some amazing ideas for your thrilling theme parks last week. This week we are going to build on those ideas and develop your park further. We will also be carrying on with our Reading Eggs, weekly maths work and seeing if…

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Image of Week 8 Project - Thrilling Theme Parks - Part 2
11 June 2020

Week 8 Project - Thrilling Theme Parks - Part 2

Week beginning 15th June 


Happy Monday everyone!


There were some amazing ideas for your thrilling theme parks last week. This week we are going to build on those ideas and develop your park further. We will also be carrying on with our Reading Eggs, Mathletics and seeing if we can…

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Image of The Foolish Fox - Time to Talk Session
11 June 2020

The Foolish Fox - Time to Talk Session

Today during our little Time to Talk session we read a story called

We talked about the meaning of the word foolish. 

The story was about a fox who didn't want to do all the work on his farm and so he asked the sheep to do it for him.  The sheep tricked the fox by saying they would if they could have half of the food.  The sheep asked the fox which half he would like.  The fox chose the top half and so this is what happened. 

The sheep planted turnips and when they grew they gave the top half to the fox and they kept the lovely turnip which has grown on the bottom half of the plant. 

The fox was cross and so next time he asked for the bottom half.  The sheep then planted corn and gave the fox the bottom half keeping the juicy corn at the top of the plant for themselves. 

Poor fox, he decided that he would have to do all the work himself so he could keep both the top and the bottom of the plants. 

We then played a game and had to decide which half of the plant we wanted.  If we wanted the top half we stood up and if we wanted the bottom half we stayed sitting down. 

Mrs Barker then drew a plant on the board showing how it would look in the ground.  It was fun to see which part we ended up with.    Which half would you like?



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11 June 2020

Sleep mobiles

Today we have created our own sleep mobiles. These are to put in our bedroom, they include four stars which include things or people that make us happy. The children thought these mobiles would look good hanging over their beds or in their windows for everyone to see!


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Image of Sorting Healthy & Unhealthy Foods
10 June 2020

Sorting Healthy & Unhealthy Foods

Today we have been sorting foods into Healthy and Unhealthy.  We talked about which foods we liked and which foods we didn't like.  We all liked different things and we talked about how it is ok to like and dislike different things.

We cut out all the little pictures using some super scissor…

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Image of Worry Monsters!
10 June 2020

Worry Monsters!

The Year 1 children have had a lovely morning making worry monsters.

They fed their monsters any worries so that the monsters would eat them all up!

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Image of Worry Monsters
10 June 2020

Worry Monsters

The Year 1 children have had a lovely morning making worry monsters.

They fed their monsters any worries so that the monsters would eat them all up!

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Image of An important announcement re summer closure from our CEO, Mr Holmes
10 June 2020

An important announcement re summer closure from our CEO, Mr Holmes

The Rt. Hon. Gavin Williamson MP (Secretary or State for Education), recently told parliament that, “There are currently no plans to make up class time lost during the lockdown by requiring pupils to return early from their holidays in August.”

All Enquire Learning Trust schools will close as…

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Image of Tuesday 9th June
9 June 2020

Tuesday 9th June

Now that some children have returned to school, one family group of Year 1 children have been working their socks off in the Year 2 classroom with Mrs Kearns.

This morning, we designed worry monsters, made a friendship book, and tried some really tricky Maths!

This afternoon, we had a great…

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Image of Emotions and Feelings Topic
9 June 2020

Emotions and Feelings Topic

What a lovely start to our new topic all about Emotions and Feelings.

Today we have been talking about things that make us feel happy, sad, angry, scared and worried.

We pulled lots of different faces and tried to guess how everyone was feeling by looking at their faces.

In the Design…

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9 June 2020

Year 1 PE

The children in year 1 really enjoyed their outdoor PE session today. We had lots of fun jumping, running and throwing.  If your child is in Mrs Kearns' class 'bubble' please check out her year 2 blog for pictures!

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Image of TTRS Round 8 Update!
9 June 2020

TTRS Round 8 Update!

Hi all, check out below for the latest TTRS battle update.

I'm not sure Mr Moore's class have got out of bed this week. Is it going to be a close one for Mrs Murton's class? Can Mrs Charlton's class stop the year 5/6's winning streak? We'll find out by 12pm on Friday!

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