Image of The Gruffalo visit
17 September 2021

The Gruffalo visit

This week, we have been visited by the Gruffalo. He visited our class to see what they have been learning about. We showed him our enchanted doorway into the classroom which the fairies had left us. We then read stories about bears and he listened to them with us.

We have been trying to learn…

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Image of Famous Pharaohs
17 September 2021

Famous Pharaohs

This week, the children have been finding out about famous pharaohs. They began by researching pharaohs and creating fact files all about the ones they had chosen.

After this, they discovered what qualities a pharaoh needs in order to be a great leader and their role and responsibilities. With…

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Image of All About Potatoes
17 September 2021

All About Potatoes

Whilst we were looking for some ingredients to use in our Mud Kitchen we found some beans growing in our vegetable patch.  We had a little dig in the tyres where the potatoes had been plant4ed to see if they were ready.  We were so excited to find so many lovely potatoes.

We had a talk about…

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Image of An Amazing Week of Work!
17 September 2021

An Amazing Week of Work!

We have had a busy week of learning and everyone has worked extremely hard - you should all feel very proud. In topic, we continued learning about the life of Darwin and his journey on HMS Beagle to visit the Galapagos Islands. We also visited the wildlife area to find different plants and berries…

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Image of What did we find out?
17 September 2021

What did we find out?

Last week we set up two experiments, one to find out what effect different types of drinks had on our teeth and what happened to bread if we touched it with clean and dirty hands. 

Today we looked at both experiments and recorded our findings. First, we looked at the bread experiment. The…

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Image of Egyptian Artwork and Pharaoh Fact Files!
16 September 2021

Egyptian Artwork and Pharaoh Fact Files!

The children have had another superb week; honing their sketching skills and creating fact files on their favourite Pharaohs. Take a look at the examples above and below. 

Mr Moore

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Image of Robot No-Bot
15 September 2021

Robot No-Bot

We really enjoyed listening to the story No-bot, the Robot with no bottom.

This story is about a robot who looses his bottom and all of his friends and so kind and helpful trying to find it for him.

After the story some children chose to make their own red robots, just like the one from…

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Image of Magnificent Mummification!
10 September 2021

Magnificent Mummification!

What a great start to the year and to our new topic 'Pharaohs'. The children were amazed and disgusted in equal measure as they watched a 'live' mummification! They also had fun sketching some of the objects which were found in King Tutankhamun's tomb. 


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Image of Mini beast hunt
10 September 2021

Mini beast hunt

This week, Year 2 launched straight into their 'Wriggle and Crawl' topic by exploring the school woodland and wildlife areas in search of mini beasts.  The children thoroughly enjoyed lifting leaves and moving logs to discover lots of spiders, worms, beetles, crane fly, woodlice and snails.  The…

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Image of Our First Week Of School
10 September 2021

Our First Week Of School

Wow, what a fantastic week with my new children in Year 1. They are so well behaved and have lovely manners. They have worked super hard in all lessons and they should be proud of themselves. They have loved our new topic which we began this week on the 'Enchanted Forest' Well done to you all for…

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10 September 2021


This week the children have been working hard on place value using a range of objects. We have been sorting and counting up to 10.

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Image of Rainbow Carrots
10 September 2021

Rainbow Carrots

This afternoon some of the children enjoyed helping to dig out some weeds from our vegetable patch.

Last term we had planted lots of different vegetables and we have been picking them to make lots of lovely meals in our mud kitchen.

We really enjoyed digging up the carrots that had been…

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