Image of Favourite Singer
6 May 2021

Favourite Singer

Class Task:

To research and produce a short (2 mins) presentation on power point of your favourite artist/ band to the class

Ideas of what to include:


  • Background info e.g. date of birth, where they grew up etc.


  • Best songs/ hits – chart positions (include sound clips…
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Image of TTRS Round 4!
4 May 2021

TTRS Round 4!

What a start back to the TTRS league after the long break following school closures! I'm sure where were a few frustrated children our there tying to regain the speeds they were achieving in December! We had some close matches though and we even saw Mr Bourne's class defeated for the first time…

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Image of TTRS Round 4!
4 May 2021

TTRS Round 4!

What a start back to the TTRS league after the long break following school closures! I'm sure where were a few frustrated children our there tying to regain the speeds they were achieving in December! We had some close matches though and we even saw Mr Bourne's class defeated for the first time…

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Image of TTRS Round 4!
4 May 2021

TTRS Round 4!

What a start back to the TTRS league after the long break following school closures! I'm sure where were a few frustrated children our there tying to regain the speeds they were achieving in December! We had some close matches though and we even saw Mr Bourne's class defeated for the first time…

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Image of TTRS Round 4!
4 May 2021

TTRS Round 4!

What a start back to the TTRS league after the long break following school closures! I'm sure where were a few frustrated children our there tying to regain the speeds they were achieving in December! We had some close matches though and we even saw Mr Bourne's class defeated for the first time…

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Image of TTRS Round 4!
4 May 2021

TTRS Round 4!

What a start back to the TTRS league after the long break following school closures! I'm sure where were a few frustrated children our there tying to regain the speeds they were achieving in December! We had some close matches though and we even saw Mr Bourne's class defeated for the first time…

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Image of Super Scientists!
4 May 2021

Super Scientists!

Over the past couple of weeks we have been working as scientists, conducting fair test experiments to establish the varying strength of magnets, the best material for use in a parachute and also how sound travels though materials in order to make our own wind chimes. Look at the superb photos of…

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Image of WB 26-04-21
30 April 2021

WB 26-04-21

Year 2 have had another very busy week!

In Literacy, we continued to read our book, ‘Bibble and the Bubbles’.  We worked collaboratively to find and highlight the steps to success in an advert for ‘Travel Bubbles’. Then, we wrote our own adverts about the bubbles we had designed.  These…

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Image of The Tiger who came to Year 1
30 April 2021

The Tiger who came to Year 1

What a fantastic end to the week we’ve had.  Year 1 have done some wonderful literacy work today.

We read The Lonely Beast and came up with some fantastic ideas and facts about him, the special journey he goes on and the people and things he meets.  We were so happy he found his friends!

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Image of Can you make a rainbow?
30 April 2021

Can you make a rainbow?

I am so proud of how independently the children are working in Reception.
As I walked around the classroom this morning, I could see lots of children being busy little bees, choosing challenges and completing activities all by themselves.

Look at how busy we have been.

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Image of Investigating Metals
29 April 2021

Investigating Metals

Well we've had a busy week investigating metals and magnetism. We have found out about the many benefits of magnetism. Did you know that there is a magnet in your fridge door? Did you know the force of magnetism can make trains levitate? Did you know that our Earth is a big magnet and protects the…

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Image of Thrilling Theme Parks!
29 April 2021

Thrilling Theme Parks!

This week the children have been writing persuasive leaflets for their own 'spooky' theme park. As you can see, they have produced some beautiful work - even though some rides sound terrifying! 


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