Image of L.S. Lowry Artwork
6 February 2021

L.S. Lowry Artwork

This week, we looked at different pieces of urban artwork, and discussed our favourites.  Then, we found out all about the urban artist, L.S. Lowry.  
We drew in perspective, and used the same colours and tones as Lowry did.  We even listened to a song about him! 

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Image of Food-fest for Year 1
5 February 2021

Food-fest for Year 1

What another fantastic week of learning for Year 1!

We have been busy finishing our Superheroes topic.  We have been learning exciting facts about our amazing bodies.  The children worked in pairs to draw around each other and then label as many body parts as they could! The children found it…

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Image of Hola Mexico Homework!
5 February 2021

Hola Mexico Homework!


We have come to the end of our Hola Mexico topic. Look at the fantastic (and delicious) homework produced!


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Image of Did we please the Maya Gods?
5 February 2021

Did we please the Maya Gods?

For our innovate project this week, the children created masks, headdresses and jewellery. They found out about the Maya Gods and listened to traditional music. We came together as a class to worship the Gods. We played our musical instruments and thankfully, the Gods were…

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Image of Innovate Week
5 February 2021

Innovate Week

This week we were invited to a religious festival held at Chichén Itza temple, on the third day of the new moon. We prepared our costumes, made fact files about the Gods, sent out invitations and had our musical instruments ready to impress the Gods. We all met on Teams and marched as part of the…

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Image of We may be apart but we can still be together!
5 February 2021

We may be apart but we can still be together!


We are constantly reviewing our practice and now have the following offer for live video contact with children learning at home:  


Every morning there is a video…

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Image of It’s okay not to be okay...       
5 February 2021

It’s okay not to be okay...       

We are living through difficult times and I know that the news from our Prime Minister regarding children not returning to school straight after February half term will have been difficult for many people to hear. Please remember that we are here for all of our families, adults and children, and…

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Image of USA Road Trip- Our Innovate Project
4 February 2021

USA Road Trip- Our Innovate Project

We've come to the end of our USA road trip and the children have been creative with their learning. We have had lots of American style cooking, instruction writing and video presentations. The children have also made top trump games, created their own cartoon characters and painted pictiures. Here…

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Image of Spike - The Hedgehog who lost his prickles
4 February 2021

Spike - The Hedgehog who lost his prickles

We have been reading the book Spike - The Hedgehog who lost his prickles.  This is a story aout a little hedgehog who has a scary dream about a fox.  When he wakes up in the morning his prickles have all fallen out.  

Poor Spike!!!   He tries wearing lots of different things to stop himself…

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Image of POP Art
4 February 2021


Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the 1950s and flourished in the 1960s in America and Britain, drawing inspiration from sources in popular and commercial culture.

Different cultures and countries contributed to the movement during the 1960s and 70s


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Image of Our American Feast!
4 February 2021

Our American Feast!

Check out this incredible instructional video on how to make a Key Lime Pie! What an amazing project girls - well done!

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