Image of Wonderful work!
1 July 2022

Wonderful work!

Although this week has been assessment week, we’ve still had lots of fun and fabulous learning taking place.

In topic we’ve continued our learning all about predators. On Monday we used a world map to locate different types of predatory birds around the world. We were surprised at how many…

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Image of Fabulous Work!
1 July 2022

Fabulous Work!

Another fantastic week of work! The children have learned all about the life of Anne Boleyn: her trial, her execution and her last words. They discussed whether she was treated fairly by Henry VIII and how this showed what sort of character they both were. 

Topic homework has also started…

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Image of London Tour Guide Booklets!
30 June 2022

London Tour Guide Booklets!

This week, we’ve been learning about the famous landmarks in London - this inspired us to create our own London Tour Guide booklet, advertising all the major attractions. They make a brilliant read… 

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Image of Paddington Bear!
30 June 2022

Paddington Bear!

We’ve been listening to a range of stories about Paddington Bear and his adventures in London! The children have designed and made their own Paddington Bear. We love them.

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Image of Our amazing art installation!
30 June 2022

Our amazing art installation!



Have you seen our bottle top art installation?


Did you know?

381 million tonnes of plastic waste is produced in the world every year? This is set to DOUBLE by 2034.

This is the same as 3,175 ocean liners or 30 million double decker buses!


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Image of Kodu with Y6!
28 June 2022

Kodu with Y6!

Last Friday, I spent the afternoon with the Year 6 class programming using Kodu. The worlds you can see in the picture, are worlds that the children have created themselves. They then spent time coding their ‘bots’ to perform certain movements and actions as you can see in the ‘scripts’ they have…

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Image of Summer Pamper Party
27 June 2022

Summer Pamper Party


We have had a wonderful afternoon and absolutely loved our ‘Summer Pamper Party’. First, we got into 2 small groups and Miss Berry did our hair, whilst Miss Capes gave us a hand massage and painted our nails. We picked some super colours.
Next, we headed over to our foot spa. We enjoyed…

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Image of Another great week!
24 June 2022

Another great week!

The children have had another busy week full of fantastic learning! 

Because the weather has been so beautiful, we decided to take our phonics books outside - we had a lovely time reading them in the shade! 

As part of our ‘Bright Lights, Big City’ topic, we’ve been learning about…

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Image of Captain Cook Birthplace Museum
24 June 2022

Captain Cook Birthplace Museum

Year 2 enjoyed a wonderful day visiting The Captain Cook Birthplace Museum in Stewart Park, Middlesbrough as part of their 'Land Ahoy' topic.  The children got to spend time learning about James Cook's early life before discovering more about his voyages at sea.  We handled a range of artefacts…

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Image of Solids, liquids and gases
24 June 2022

Solids, liquids and gases

In science, the children have been learning about the properties of solids, liquids and gases. They have sorted objects into the appropriate groups and looked at the particle theory, arranging themselves in hoops to show the difference between the 3 states of matter. They then learned about how…

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Image of Investigating Owl Pellets
24 June 2022

Investigating Owl Pellets

Today, we have been using our science skills to carefully dissect and investigate the contents of owl pellets. Mrs Channing kindly collected some barn owl pellets and sterilised them for us. We watched videos of owls regurgitating their pellets. As we examined them, in amongst all the fur, we…

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Image of Owl pellets and much more!
24 June 2022

Owl pellets and much more!

This week the children completed their polar bear fact files. The children were able to write about where the bears lived, who they lived with, what they ate and interesting facts they had found out during their research. I was very impressed with all of the children’s stamina when writing and…

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