Image of Let's Investigate!
24 June 2022

Let's Investigate!

This week we have been setting up investigations to test air resistance, water resistance and friction. The children were amazing at ensuring they would be tested fairly and they were able to explain their results based upon their investigation question. Fantastic work!

We also looked at how…

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Image of Gruesome Tudor Punishments
23 June 2022

Gruesome Tudor Punishments

In ICT, the children have been exploring the ‘Google Arts and Culture’ app, where they were able to research into any topic. They looked at a range of cultural institutions and artists from around the world.

Continuing with our topic, the children have loved learning about different types of…

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Image of A Musical Afternoon
22 June 2022

A Musical Afternoon



What a wonderful musical afternoon we have had today.  We found a nice shady spot and explored the different sounds of the instruments.

First, we closed our eyes and listened carefully to the sounds we could hear going on around us.  We could hear children doing PE, the wind in the trees, cars driving up the drive, footsteps as people walked up the hill and birds tweeting.

We then had to find a musical instrument that sounded the same as the sounds we could hear. 


After that we each choose an instrument and described the sound it made and thought of something it sounded like.

Our instruments sounded like …….

Ducks quacking

Snakes slithering in the grass

Thunder and Lightening


Father Christmas’ Reindeers

Tinkerbell the Fairy

Elephants stomping their feet

A woodpecker tapping the tree

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Image of Bird Sketches
22 June 2022

Bird Sketches

Superb sketching during for our topic work!

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Image of How do we move?
18 June 2022

How do we move?

Following on from learning the names of major bones in our bodies, we have explored our joints. First, we tried to walk to assembly without bending our knees or elbows. We realised that drinking from our bottles would be impossible without our joints! We tried to count the number of bones in our…

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Image of Fact finding!
17 June 2022

Fact finding!

We have been using graphic organisers to help us learn more about Captain James Cook.  The children wrote facts about him and then used their knowledge of Captain Cook to sort key events and dates into chronological order.  Well done!


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Image of The Force is with us!
17 June 2022

The Force is with us!

On Wednesday, we asked the question: What slope angle is required to generate sufficient energy for a marble to complete a loop-the-loop? We set up the investigation and then made predictions, observed our findings and drew a conclusion. There was lots of great discussion, drawing from prior…

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Image of The Great Fire of London
17 June 2022

The Great Fire of London

As part of our ‘Bright Lights, Big City’ topic, the children have been learning about The Great Fire of London. Take a look at the wonderful art work the children have produced: 

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Image of Science of Gravity!
17 June 2022

Science of Gravity!

Today, the children were learning about gravity and the force it exerts upon objects. In this particular experiment; a pendulum. Children planned an investigation: do the oscillations across 1 minute increase, decrease or remain the same as an object becomes heavier? As we conducted a fair test…

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Image of A wonderful week of learning!
17 June 2022

A wonderful week of learning!

This week we have used our research skills in order to find our information and facts about polar bears. This links to our English lessons, where we are reading the story of ‘Ice Bear’ by Jackie Morris. The children found out about what the bear eats, where they live, who is part of their family…

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Image of Henry's wives
16 June 2022

Henry's wives

As part of our topic 'Off with her head', the children have been researching about Henry VIII's six wives. The learnt lots of facts about them and created an engaging non-chronological report. They look amazing!

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Image of In the Moment ' Crabs'
16 June 2022

In the Moment ' Crabs'

We were very lucky this morning as some children brought in some treasures that they had found at the beach.

We had crab body and a crab claw, some seaweed and some beautiful rocks.


We thought the crab was very smelly.



To explore crabs further we talked about different…

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