19 July 2019

Happy Holidays!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy holiday!

This year has flown by in a blink of an eye.

The children have all made such amazing progress, not only academically but in their confidence, perseverance and friendships.

It has being an absolute pleasure teaching…

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19 July 2019

A huge thank you for another fabulous year!

It’s a while since I blogged – I don’t know where the time has gone!

As we come to the end of another action packed year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of the Roseberry family for their commitment and dedication to making Roseberry a fabulous place to be.


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14 July 2019

Tremendous Transition!

Wednesday and Thursday were our transition days.

In September, our topic will be ‘Wriggle and Crawl’, therefore, we did lots of learning about minibeasts, and created some beautiful work.  We used watercolours to paint insects, made ladybird biscuits, discovered some differences between honey…

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12 July 2019

Grand Designs Homework

Fantastic Grand Designs topic homework last week!

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4 July 2019


A few weeks ago, the children came into school very excited. They had noticed a new member in our classroom – Forky (he’s from Toystory 4 if anyone is unsure!)

Forky ventures around the classroom sitting in front of a different child each day; it might be for tackling a tricky maths problem,…

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4 July 2019

Outstanding Topic Homework!

On Monday, we showcased our homework projects from our current topic, ‘Grand Designs’.

I was SO impressed with the quality of the work. Thank you to all the parents for their continued support and the children for their hard work.

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2 July 2019

Topic Homework

Who are we? – Y5/6 topic homework

The children are currently enjoying our topic of ‘Who are we?’.  We would like the children to produce one piece of homework, of their choosing, linked to this topic.

This could be artwork, ICT (animation, digital poster, PowerPoint), literacy based (poem,…

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1 July 2019

Grand Designs – homework projects

Well done my class! Superb homework projects as usual!

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28 June 2019

Persuade me!

This week, during Literacy, we have been writing persuasive arguments.  From our text, ‘Cosmic’, the children had to take on the role of one of the dads and persuade us why they should have a place on the rocket, which will go to space.  They had to present this orally.

In Science, we made our…

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28 June 2019

Just hanging around!

Today, during Golden time, we enjoyed relaxing in the hammocks!

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28 June 2019

Water safety!

Today we had a visit from Stewart from the RNLI. He talked to us about water safety and how to stay safe at the beach.

We learnt that if we are in any danger when at the beach we need to- Stop and think, stay together, float and call 999.

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26 June 2019

What a superstar!

Before 9am this morning, I was greeted with an excited girl who wanted to show me what she had discovered last night. Because she was so enthused with her learning in maths, she went home and found out more about triangles and their properties. She then explained it  to her friend this…

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