26 June 2019

What’s our class’ favourite fruit?

This afternoon, we tasted a variety of fruits which included, plums, peaches, kiwi, pineapple, grape fruit and mango.

We thought they all tasted scrumptious, however we had to pick our favourite.

The children decided that the kiwi was the class favourite with eight children choosing it. The…

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21 June 2019

Golden time

We had another fun packed afternoon in the wildlife area!

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21 June 2019

Learning about fire!

On Tuesday, the Fire Service visited Year 4/5 to show them the fire engine and to talk to them about fire safety. Thank you very much for coming to visit us, we had a great time!

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21 June 2019

Super Sewing!

This week, the children designed and made their own cases.  They then decorated them with a cross stitch of their initials.  Fantastic!

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21 June 2019

Fire! Fire!

This week we had a visit from the Fire Service.  They talked to the children about fire safety and then gave them a tour of the Fire engine!

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21 June 2019

Creative Cases!

Using a variety of stitches, we have created some magnificent cases. It  was lovely  to see so many different values today –  resilience, motivation, kindness, patience and independence.

Mrs Watson gave out a plethora of Yoimoji cards – ask us at home what this means – we’d love to tell…

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20 June 2019

Nature walk!

This afternoon we spent some time outside enjoying our fabulous outdoor space. The children had chance to find evergreen and deciduous trees and look closely at the tress leaves.

The children selected their favourite shapes leaf and brought it back inside where we made our own leaf rubbings.…

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18 June 2019

Fire Service

This morning, the Fire Service visited the children to show them the fire engine and to talk to them about fire safety. Thank you very much for visiting, the children really enjoyed it.

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Image of Epic Earth – Dinosaurs
14 June 2019

Epic Earth – Dinosaurs

During SAW Week we have been learning all about Dinosaurs.

The children brought lots of fabulous books and toys from home to share with the class.

We love to sit at the front of the class and talk about the things we have brought in.

We talked about what the Earth might have looked like…

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14 June 2019

Whatever the weather!

The children had a great time in the wildlife area this week.  They made dens, relaxed in the hammocks and tried a bit of Nordic weaving!

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14 June 2019

Working collaboratively

This morning, we have been working collaboratively to measure angles in a puzzling picture!

It was quite tricky learning how to use a protractor, but we persevered and used our learning partners to help us get ‘unstuck’.

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14 June 2019

Virtual Reality

We had a lot of fun this afternoon with the virtual reality goggles!  We were transported deep into the rainforest, surrounded by elevated trees, beautiful flowers, and cheeky monkeys!

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