Image of Sports Morning!
23 May 2019

Sports Morning!

What a wonderful morning we’ve had taking part in our sports morning. It was lovely to see all of the coloured teams taking part and everyone cheering each other on!

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Image of Sports Day
23 May 2019

Sports Day

Well done everyone for a fantastic sports morning and congratulations to Blue team for their victory.

Huge thank you to Jon for the music, Mr Thompson for adding up the scores and those parents who entered the parent race.

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23 May 2019

Spectacular Sports Day!

We all had a great time today, taking part in sports day.

The sun shone, the children tried their best and we all had a bit of a dance, thanks to Mr Hornby providing the musical entertainment.

Well done to the winners, Blue team.

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Image of Feeling proud of my children
23 May 2019

Feeling proud of my children

This week has been another great week of learning…

In Literacy, we have created our own story map summarising what has happened in the story (Cosmic) so far.

In Maths, we have been learning about  angles. Mr Thompson (a kind volunteer), commented upon how fabulous the lesson had been – this…

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22 May 2019

What lovely feedback!

It was so lovely to receive this positive feedback on our survey this week. Comments such as this make our hard work worth while!

Roseberry is a great school, where we see our children thrive. The Roseberry family feel is strong from walking through the gate on a morning. Times are sometimes…

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22 May 2019

Our visit to Magna

Today, the children have visited Magna near Sheffield. They had a wonderful day exploring the 4 areas of the museum: Earth, Air, Water and Wind. Whilst we were there, the children also had a workshop on the planets and stars – they particularly enjoyed the part where they made a rocket. Thank you…

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Image of  Zumbathon!
17 May 2019


The children had a wonderful afternoon taking part in RAFT’s sponsored Zumbathon!

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Image of Zumba…phew!
17 May 2019


This afternoon, we enjoyed a very energetic Zumba session…phew!

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Image of Who have we got here then?
17 May 2019

Who have we got here then?

This week, the children wrote their own non-chronological reports based on an ‘imaginary’ alien.  The children did a fantastic job, with a little help from Mr Murton and his amazing ideas and art work.

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17 May 2019

Thank you, volunteers!

A huge thank you to the volunteers who gave their time today to supervise our Year Three children on their visit to the Captain Cook memorial garden and exhibition! We couldn’t have done this without you.

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Image of Terrific Tiles!
17 May 2019

Terrific Tiles!

This week, we wanted to experiment with clay to see what patterns and effects we could create.  We will now use what we have found to help us with our next clay project…

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Image of Superb end to the week!
17 May 2019

Superb end to the week!

A massive well done to all  our year 6’s! You’ve had a superb week, rounded off with our annual Zumbathon; organised by RAFT.

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