24 April 2019

Victorian homes!

Today we have been learning all about how Victorian homes differed. We looked at two types of home, rich and poor.

Poor house-

  • The homes had no inside bathroom – Victorian people had to wash themselves in a metal bath. There was only enough water to fill the bath half full and everyone in…
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Image of Pointillism
24 April 2019


This afternoon, the children have been learning about the technique of pointillism. They are going to use this way of painting to create their own images of Roseberry Topping. They started by sketching the outline and have started with their first dots of paint.

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Image of Outdoor Science
24 April 2019

Outdoor Science

On Tuesday, we understood that sounds are made as a result of vibrations. We used homemade telephones to help us understand how this concept works.

We learned that when you speak into the cup, the back of the cup vibrates. The vibration extends the string and the sound waves, or vibrations move…

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Image of Can you hear me?
24 April 2019

Can you hear me?

This week, in Science, we looked at how sound travels. We went outside to investigate with ‘telephone cups’.  We found out that when you speak into the cup, the back of the cup vibrates. The vibration extends into the string and the sound waves (or vibrations) move through the string. It worked…

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23 April 2019

Using a protractor

Today, the children have worked collaboratively to help one another in measuring angles accurately using a protractor. They became very competitive in proving that they had the most accurate measurement.

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Image of The Dark
6 April 2019

The Dark

This week, we came to the end of our Literacy work based around the Lemony Snicket book, ‘The Dark’.

We have written poems, retold the story from the Dark’s view point, written advice for Laszlo, made non-chronological reports about nocturnal animals, written book reviews, made glow jars, and…

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5 April 2019

We deserve a super holiday!

I have been blown away by the standard of the project homework that I have seen during recent weeks. It’s lovely to see children enthused about their learning both in and out of school. Thank you for the ongoing support of adults at home – we are proud to have you as partners in your children’s…

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Image of Happy Easter!
5 April 2019

Happy Easter!

We’ve come to the end of another term where I am immensely proud of each and every child in year 1. They’ve all worked so hard this term and made fabulous progress.

It’s lovely to see the children learning new things, developing their collaboration skills and helping each other on a daily…

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Image of Enjoying the sunshine!
5 April 2019

Enjoying the sunshine!

What a lovely way to end our term.  The children made shelters and  bird feeders, and toasted and enjoyed hot cross buns!

Happy Easter everyone!

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Image of Portrait of Queen Victoria
4 April 2019

Portrait of Queen Victoria

Today the children enjoyed using the oil pastels to draw a portrait of Queen Victoria.

The children studied an original portrait, looked carefully at how the artist had used shading and certain colours to include detail to the portrait. Then they used this knowledge to recreate their own image…

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Image of Creative Children
4 April 2019

Creative Children

We’ve been busy creating cards over the past few weeks for Mother’s Day and Easter…

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3 April 2019

Where in the World? – Wow!

On Tuesday, The children had the opportunity to show each other their topic homework.  As ever, the amount of thought and effort which was put in, was excellent!

See what you think…

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