Image of Goldentime fun!
6 May 2022

Goldentime fun!

The children had a great time this afternoon working together and playing parachute games!

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Image of Brilliant Biographies!
6 May 2022

Brilliant Biographies!

This week in English, the children have been writing a bigraphy about Alan Turing. They were amazed by his life and achievements, and appauled to hear how he was treated just because of his sexuality.


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Image of Flow through topic and English
6 May 2022

Flow through topic and English

In topic this week, we have developed our knowledge of rivers, looking at the parts of a river basin and how features of river are formed.  We applied our knowledge to describe the features we saw on our walk along the River Leven, noting the meanders and how they might develop into oxbow lakes in…

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Image of A Twist on a Traditional Tale
6 May 2022

A Twist on a Traditional Tale

As an alternative to the traditional tale of The 3 Little Pigs we read The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.  We enjoyed the twist on this story with the pigs and the wolf swapping places.  We liked trying to guess which tools the Big Bad Pig was going to use to knock down the wolves…

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Image of The Three Little Pigs
6 May 2022

The Three Little Pigs


This week we have explored…

The Three Little Pigs

We have been reading the much-loved story ‘The Three Little Pigs’. The children spoke about houses made from different materials. We decided a house made from bricks is best, as it is strongest.

We made our own houses, made from…

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Image of What a lot of learning!
6 May 2022

What a lot of learning!

As part of our current topic, ‘Rio de Vida’ we’ve been learning all about Brazil and it’s landmarks. This week we’ve also sorted images into physical and human features and also learned the names of some specific flags! What a busy week! Well done, Year 1! 

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Image of Learning Portuguese!
6 May 2022

Learning Portuguese!

As part of our topic, the children learned names for some animals in Portuguese this afternoon! Well done, everybody! 

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Image of Penalty shootout!
6 May 2022

Penalty shootout!

Because football is such a popular sport in Brazil, and we’re currently learning about this country, we took part in our own penalty shootout! The children had lots of fun and celebrated at the end by taking part in a mini football match! 

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Image of Iggy Peck Architect
6 May 2022

Iggy Peck Architect

We have been exploring the book Iggy Peck Architect by Andrea Beaty.

In the story Iggy Peck's teacher mentions Gothic and Romanesque buildings so we explored these words further and compared these 2 styles of architecture.  We really liked the Gargoyles used as decorations on Gothic style…

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Image of A wonderful week!
6 May 2022

A wonderful week!

After an extra long weekend we came back to school raring to go! On Wednesday, during PE the children developed their team building skills, in preparation for the up and coming sports day on Friday 20th May. Everyone worked together to support each other and showed great sportsmanship and team…

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Image of Experimenting with circuits
6 May 2022

Experimenting with circuits

The children have enjoyed experimenting and building electrical circuits. Firstly, they learnt the different symbols within a circuit and then they successfully built circuits from diagrams. Lastly, they had to predict whether a circuit would work by looking at the different components and how…

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Image of Fun with Math
5 May 2022

Fun with Math


Today we played a game to recall our numbers. First, we rolled the dice. We then identified the number, by simply subitising, or by counting each dot on the dice.

After, we crossed off the number on our number board. This enabled us to match the dice to a written number. We had a…

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