Image of Fabulous Writing
8 July 2021

Fabulous Writing

This week, the children have produced some fantastic writing all about the planets in our Solar System. They researched facts and then used their steps to success to produce some superb pieces of writing. Their pictures are excellent too, you should be feeling very proud!


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Image of WB 28-06-21
2 July 2021

WB 28-06-21

This week, we’ve been extremely busy completing all of our assessments. We’ve all worked our socks off!
We even had time to make some string block prints to use to create repeating patterns of the Jolly Roger flag!


Also, we found out all about Grace Darling, then we wrote diary entries…

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Image of Planetary Rovers
2 July 2021

Planetary Rovers

This week the children have researched the planetary rovers, which collect data from space. They used this research to design their own rover. They had to think about what features it would need and what they would be made out of. They found it really interesting!


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Image of Lego Challenge
2 July 2021

Lego Challenge

Lego Challenge


This week we have had a challenge to create sea creatures using the small construction.


First, we needed to make an ocean scene for the sea creatures to live in.  We used one of the large fruit boxes and covered it with different blue papers.  We used yellow paint to…

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Image of Starfish Rescue Mission
2 July 2021

Starfish Rescue Mission

Starfish Rescue Mission


Our Maths Table challenge was a very important mission.  The naughty shark had locked the poor starfish up with padlocks.  It was our job to solve the maths questions and find the right key to unlock the padlocks.

We are getting good at recalling some Maths facts and we used the 10 frames and counters to help us work out the answers that we didn’t already know.

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Image of Seaside Puppet Show
2 July 2021

Seaside Puppet Show

A Puppet Show at the Seaside


This afternoon we were very lucky because we got to watch a puppet show. The story was about a little hedgehog that had got lost and a shark was helping him find his way home. The curtains were closed and we were very excited. A lady came round to tell us all to be quiet as the show was starting. We took our seats, the curtains opened and we enjoyed the show.

During the interval we bought ice-creams from the ice-cream parlour.  Oh we do like to be beside the seaside.


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Image of Topic Homework 'Traders and Raiders'
1 July 2021

Topic Homework 'Traders and Raiders'

Super proud of my class with their incredible creations for their topic homework on Vikings and Anglo Saxons. Take a look at the photos and videos below to celebrate their achievements.

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Image of Our brilliant Rover designs
1 July 2021

Our brilliant Rover designs

The children used ICT to research different rovers that have visited different planets. Using this knowledge, they then designed their own rover based on ones they had seen and labelled it with the materials they would use explaining why they had been chosen. Their designs look…

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Image of Limpets and Garden Snails
28 June 2021

Limpets and Garden Snails

Today we read the story Sally and the Limpet.  After the story we explored this fascinating little sea creature.  We found out that Limpets are small sea snails with a cone shaped shell.  They have a soft body which they use to  stick themselves to rocks.  This stops them from being washed away by…

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Image of Water play
28 June 2021

Water play

Today the children were interested in filling and pouring in the water tray. We found lots of pipes and the children worked well with each other to connect them together. They decided it was a ‘waterfall’.

First, the pipes were down on the ground and the children wondered why the water didn’t…

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Image of Transient Art with beads and bangles
25 June 2021

Transient Art with beads and bangles

Transient Art using unusual bits of anything and everything is one of my favourite activities to observe the children engaged in. 

Here's why ......... Just look at these fabulous pieces of Art made from my dear Grandma's collection of necklaces and bangles.

The children looked carefully…

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Image of Fabulous Forces!
25 June 2021

Fabulous Forces!

The children began the week by asking the question: 'Does a heavier object fall quicker than a lighter object?' After much discussion, and conducting an investigation, the children were surprised by the results.
Next they learned about different types of craters on the Moon and how they are…
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