Image of Three cheers for our AMAZING Roseberry family!
29 March 2021

Three cheers for our AMAZING Roseberry family!

I never cease to be amazed by the hard work, commitment and dedication of our Roseberry family. As I walk around school, I see exciting, engaging learning taking place, with children learning through fun. Our Learning Journey books and Blogs evidence the high quality, beautiful, work that is…

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Image of Please stay safe!
29 March 2021

Please stay safe!

Please remember that we still need to adhere to Government restrictions in order to reduce the transmission of Covid-19 in our community. The school holiday may start today but, sadly, ‘normal’ life doesn’t.

The evidence shows that it is safer for people to meet outdoors rather than indoors.…

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Image of Scented Garden Topic Homework
26 March 2021

Scented Garden Topic Homework

Well done to everyone who produced some absolutely fabulous topic homework!

Your work looks fantastic on display!

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Image of Scented Garden Innovate Project
26 March 2021

Scented Garden Innovate Project

For our Scented Garden Innovate project, we made scented products.  
We baked lemon and lavender biscuits and made garlic and rosemary butter.  

We used our butter to make scrumptious garlic bread!

Then, we designed packaging and gift tags for our products, and wrote instructions so…

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Image of Farmer's Market - Innovate
26 March 2021

Farmer's Market - Innovate

To bring an end to our topic 'Allotment', the children worked in teams to produce crafts fit for a farmer's market. We had posters, seed packets, plant labels and markers, and even wind chimes - well done everyone!


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Image of Our Terrific Topic!
26 March 2021

Our Terrific Topic!

We have been so busy during our Allotment topic. We dissected a daffodil and talked about the function of each part. We learned about the life cycle of a plant and how new ones are created and we set up our very own investigation to find out what conditions are best for germination. We also found…

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Image of Happy Easter!
26 March 2021

Happy Easter!

We made some lovely ‘hatching chicks’ Easter cards!

We hope you all have a lovely Easter!

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Image of Carnival time!
26 March 2021

Carnival time!

What a brilliant week year 1 have had to end the term.  We have celebrated the end of our Rio de Vida topic, where we have been learning all about Brazil, by holding our very own carnival.


On Wednesday, we made Pao de Queijo, Brazilian cheese bread.  The children helped to weigh and…

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Image of Farmer's market - Innovate
25 March 2021

Farmer's market - Innovate

To bring an end to our topic 'Allotment', the children worked in teams to produce crafts fit for a farmer's market. We had posters, seed packets, plant labels and markers, and even wind chimes - well done everyone!


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Image of Independent Writing
25 March 2021

Independent Writing

We are working so hard with our independent writing in Reception.

We have enjoyed labelling our pictures and writing sentences to go with the models we have made.  The models that have a sentence are allowed to be kept on the Construction Area shelves.  We feel really proud when our models and…

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Image of Spring Time - Observational Drawings - Daffodils
23 March 2021

Spring Time - Observational Drawings - Daffodils

Spring Time is here and we have enjoyed seeing all of the beautiful daffodils whilst we are walking to school appearing in gardens and along the road side.

We have been having a go at drawing some daffodils that were growing in our outdoor area.


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Image of Amazing Allotment Homework!
22 March 2021

Amazing Allotment Homework!

As we come to the end of out topic 'Allotment', I have been so impressed with the variety and quality of work the children have produced at home. Well done Y6!


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