Image of Fascinating flowers!
19 March 2021

Fascinating flowers!

Wow, what another busy week! On Monday, we dissected daffodils and learned all about each part and the role it plays. On Tuesday, we found out about the life-cycle of a plant and what happens. Finally, on Wednesday we discussed seed dispersal and all the clever ways that plants spread their seeds…
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Image of WB 15th March
19 March 2021

WB 15th March

This week, as part of our Scented Garden topic, we used curling and folding techniques to create paper flowers!  We also made printing blocks from foam.  Then, we created repeating patterns with our printing blocks.  Our work looks beautiful on display!

On Friday, we had great fun for Comic…

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Image of Red Nose Day in Year 1
19 March 2021

Red Nose Day in Year 1

We have ended this week celebrating Red Nose Day.  The children were dressed up today in their favourite clothes or costumes and they all looked wonderful.


Year 1 have had another busy week back in the classroom.  They have been working very hard on their handwriting and reading this…

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Image of Making Submarines!
19 March 2021

Making Submarines!

It's great to be back and see all the smiley faces in my class this week! I made it back at the right time too - to use our science skills and knowledge to make model submarines. We were able to make our submarines submerge and rise by squeezing the bottle and changing the pressure within it.…

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Image of WB 08-03-21
13 March 2021

WB 08-03-21

It was lovely to have our whole class back in school with us again this week!

We have all settled in excellently, and have produced some super work!

In Literacy, we have been continuing our work on The Secret Sky Garden.

In Topic, we invented fantasy plants and created information pages…

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Image of Together again!
12 March 2021

Together again!

It has been brilliant to be back together this week and we have been very busy!

In topic, we began the week looking at how far our food travels to get to our plates. 

Did you know, in order for spaghetti bolognaise to reach our plates it has to travel 9831 miles and sushi has to travel 27…

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Image of Nice to meet you!
12 March 2021

Nice to meet you!

What a wonderful, but very busy week! I finally got to meet all of the children that have been working so hard at home and it was so fantastic to see you all face to face - at last!

The children in Year 1 have worked so hard this week, doing a great job of completing some very important…

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Image of The Runaway Pea
12 March 2021

The Runaway Pea

Today we shared the story The Runaway Pea by Kjartan Poskitt and Alex Willmore.

We found this story really funny and thought the little Pea Pods that grew at the end of the story were soooooooooo cute.

We decided to make our own cute Pea Pods and Runaway Peas in the Playdough Area.

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Image of Welcome Back
12 March 2021

Welcome Back

We've had a brilliant first week following lockdown and the children are settling back into life at school. This week we have continued to enjoy our topic the 'Blue Abyss' learning all about food chains and adaptations of the creatures that live in our oceans. The children then used this knowledge…

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Image of All Together Again!!
11 March 2021

All Together Again!!

We are really enjoying being back together with all of our friends.

I have loved watching the interactions between the children this week, they are so lovely with each other.

I can really tell that they have missed each other so much as my classroom has been full of chatter.

You cannot…

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Image of Our Lockdown Memories
10 March 2021

Our Lockdown Memories

To settle everyone back into school this week, we have been thinking about our experiences of Lockdown.  

Lockdown will have been a very different experience for each and every one of the children in my class.  Some children came to school as normal everyday but the classroom was different…

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