Image of Spaghetti Towers!
25 November 2020

Spaghetti Towers!

We had amazing fun this afternoon! We worked collaboratively to design and build towers.
We used marshmallows and spaghetti!
I heard children using some super vocabulary, including ‘gravity’ and ‘diagonal’.
Well done, everyone!

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Image of Mud Kitchen Clean Up
25 November 2020

Mud Kitchen Clean Up

Today there was superb teamwork happening in our Mud Kitchen, it was time for a good clean up.  We got busy with lots of brushes and mops and gave everything a good clean.

We worked so well together and I am sure you will agree we have done a fantastic job.

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Image of Plague Perceived Cures!
20 November 2020

Plague Perceived Cures!

The children had so much fun learning about the perceived cures of the plague! In order to justify claims about the past, the children analysed and read through a wide range of evidence. They created eye-catching persuasive posters to explain the cures, whilst using some great historical…

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Image of Bacteria Growth.......!!
20 November 2020

Bacteria Growth.......!!

Because the plague was spread by bacteria, we decided to investigate how bacteria spreads around our classroom. Given the current circumstances, this seemed an especially important investigation. In order to do this, we took swabs with sterilised cotton bud tips of various items around the…

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Image of Golden Time - Going Wild!
20 November 2020

Golden Time - Going Wild!

The children enjoyed their time in the wild-life area today during Golden time. There was some hammock swinging, tree climbing, shelter building, fire starting and wand whittling - perfect!


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Image of Healthy Eating for a Healthy Heart!
20 November 2020

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Heart!

This week we looked at the foods we need in order to have a balanced diet. Eating healthily helps us to have a healthy heart so we researched healthy meals and devised some delicious three course meals. The children are now tasked with having a go at making those meals. Mmmm -…

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Image of Man on the moon!
20 November 2020

Man on the moon!

We have had so much fun in year 1 this week but we have done so much learning too! In maths this week we have been learning all about the takeaway symbol and they have been brilliant at using it! In literacy we all pretended to be astronauts on the moon and used drama to help us with our writing!…

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Image of United Against Bullying!
20 November 2020

United Against Bullying!

We loved seeing everyone wearing their odd socks on Monday to celebrate the fact that everyone is different! We watched an assembly and had a really good discussion about what bullying is and how we can stamp it out! We all decided that everyone can play a part - our jigsaw pieces say it all! They…

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Image of FREEZE!
20 November 2020


We are really enjoying our book 'Pig Heart Boy'. This week we dug deeper into how the characters would be feeling and we even became the characters ourselves! Whilst in character, we wrote e-mails to our family to share our thoughts and feelings and we also acted out a scene from the book in small…

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Image of Doctor in the House!
20 November 2020

Doctor in the House!

This week we were lucky enough to have a virtual visitor to our classroom - Dr Austin (Finlay's dad). He told us all about his job as a cardiologist and we got to ask him questions too. THANK YOU so much for giving up your time to talk to us - it was fascinating! Thank you for everything you do…

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Image of Virtual Visitor!
19 November 2020

Virtual Visitor!

We had a very special ‘virtual’ visitor to our class today – Dr Austin (Finlay’s dad).

He told us all about his job as a cardiologist and how he helps to make people’s hearts better. It was fascinating! Thank you!

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