Image of Football fun!
24 October 2018

Football fun!

We’ve had a fabulous morning playing inter house football with Tom Burke Academy.

Red team was great at scoring goals and team work.

Blue team was good at passing the ball and they scored 6 goals!

Yellow team was great at tackling and saving any goals from going into the net.


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Image of SAW ‘lunchbox science’ week: Day 2
23 October 2018

SAW ‘lunchbox science’ week: Day 2

Today, the children have worked really hard on creating their own propaganda posters from World War Two. They had to sketch out the faint outline first, use oil pastels for the main parts and watercolour the backgrounds.

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Image of Ryedale Folk Museum
23 October 2018

Ryedale Folk Museum

What a fabulous day we’ve had at the museum today! We have learnt a lot about life during WW2 – making and mending garments,  getting rations from the village store and cooking using unusual ingredients!

Cooking using the rations and food available meant families had to be creative.

We tried…

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Image of Reversible and irreversible materials!
23 October 2018

Reversible and irreversible materials!

We had lots of fun learning about reversible and irreversible materials.

We experimented with chocolate, eggs, bread and ice. The children made predictions about which of our objects might be reversible and which will be irreversible.

They found out that when eggs and bread are cooked they…

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Image of SAW ‘lunchbox science’ week: Day 1
22 October 2018

SAW ‘lunchbox science’ week: Day 1

Today, we started our SAW (science, art and writing) week and the theme this time is ‘lunchbox science’. The children have been rehearsing their  poem for the harvest festival, which is called ‘A little bit of food’. Based on this poem, the children have worked in groups to create their own…

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Image of SAW- ‘Lunchbox science’
22 October 2018

SAW- ‘Lunchbox science’

We’ve had a fabulous, but busy first day of SAW week.

Today, saw the children baking bread rolls, making transient artwork using a variety of fruits and vegetables and using different textured materials to make collages of fruit.

The children have all had a wonderful day getting creative, a…

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Image of Some fabulous dance moves and hearing some amazing sounds
19 October 2018

Some fabulous dance moves and hearing some amazing sounds

What a wonderful morning we had, learning some fabulous dance moves and hearing some amazing sounds!

We were very lucky to watch Punjabi root academy perform their dance routine, play us music from the Dholak and teach us some dance moves.

It was a great cultural  experience for the children…

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Image of Learning is fun!
19 October 2018

Learning is fun!

At the beginning of the week, we learned all about CPR and how to use a defibrillator. Thank you to the amazing grown-ups who showed us what to do – we had such a great time!

In Science, we’ve been collaborating which our peers to construct a variety of food chains, identifying producers,…

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Image of Dance workshop
19 October 2018

Dance workshop

Today, the children thoroughly enjoyed experiencing a Punjabi dance workshop – they learnt different dance moves and put them together to a piece of music. Afterwards, they had a talk about how Indian soldiers were involved in World War One as it is coming up to 100 years since the…

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Image of 19-10-18
19 October 2018


On Tuesday, we learned all about what to do if somebody is unresponsive, and even learnt how to use the new defibrillator.

On Friday, we enjoyed the Bhangra music and dancing in assembly.

During Golden Time, we created some spooky spider artwork, ready for Halloween!

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Image of A trip to the Post Office
18 October 2018

A trip to the Post Office

What a super morning we have had today.  We were all super sensible when we walked down to the village Post Office.

We looked after all our grown ups along the way.

When we got to the Post Office we asked the lady behind the desk if we could please buy a first class stamp.

We gave the…

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Image of Restart your heart day
16 October 2018

Restart your heart day

Along with 25,000 children in the UK, our class were involved in the ‘Restart a heart day’. Today the children learnt how to save someone’s life using CPR and a defibrillator, which we now have in school! We learnt how to ring for an emergency, apply CPR and how to find a defibrillator in the…

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